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In 2019, collaboration on the My Agreements with Me for Believers lifebook started. We had a collective goal in mind, to share God's Word and to be able to personally apply it to everyday life in a way that made sense and was relatable to everyone. We believe that God's word is Truth and the more that we align our lives with this Truth, the more we will experience the gifts, blessings and miracles of living in His Word. We specifically built this study with a spiritual baseline of Biblical Truth in mind. Our foundational premise comes from God’s Word in John 1:1, that everything and anything that was made was made by God and for God. Therefore, everything has purpose and all things can work together for good.

We also wanted to bridge the gap of separation between religion, faith, science and personal development. This study was made with everyone in mind. We believe that we are all God's children and wherever you are in your relationship with God, or whatever your religion or belief is, we honor that space and want to meet you right where you are. We are not here to convince you of anything. We would love for you to dive into this study and decide for yourself what you believe and why you believe it.


The Authors


Ray Tuggle 
Human Services Counselor and Certified Christian 
Life Coach and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mental Emotional Release Therapy (MER), and
Hypnotherapy. Ray is a proud father of three beautiful children and three grandsons who call him "Papa Tugs."
He is also a retired military veteran of 26 years.


Sylvia Castillo
Founder and creator of SerenitysWay and Author of 
My Agreements with Me.
Sylvia is passionate about
guiding individuals on a journey 
of self-discovery for healing,
growth, and positive change. 
Her deep understanding of
trauma and abuse,
honed through years of
practitioner care, and personal experience naturally creates an environment of trust and empathy that empowers individuals
to safely navigate the path
of pain to purpose.
Sylvia is a wife, mom,
and Gigi to her beautiful grandchildren. 


 Desireé Trujillo

Desireé loves learning about and meeting people from all walks of life. She strives to grow and develop in all aspects to become the best version of herself. She runs a non profit women’s ministry called L.O.V.E. (Ladies of Virtue and Excellence) and owns BellEm Goddess Studios, LLC. Her passion is to help empower women while healing and working through trapped emotions and stored trauma. She currently resides in Colorado with her beautiful family and her four legged son
named Bleu.


We believe that you are reading these words on purpose and that this journey of personal reflection has come into your life at the perfect time. Our greatest desire is that you would give yourself the gift of making time to explore and investigate the most important subject you could make time for...God and you.

You can expect to have thought provoking opportunities to take ownership, to be empowered and to reconnect with your personal purpose. As you look at the many areas of your own life you will be able to identify hidden beliefs, uncover unhealed wounds and experience deep forgiveness and self love. 

The My Agreements with Me for Believers workbook is a collection of 52 Bible Study Lessons to apply the principles of the Word. 
Co-Authored by Ray Tuggle, Sylvia Castillo and Desiree Duran.


In this 52 Lesson journey, we will introduce a lesson which will include:


  • A Values Principle - This will serve as the foundation of our learning and will provide an explanation around a belief and/or a behavior including a chain of reasoning. You will be able to define your principles or standards of behavior as well as assess your judgment of what is important in life.

  • Bible Scripture - Each lesson will include Bible scripture which will give context and meaning to the principles of the Word, so that they can be applied to your life. Whenever possible read and reference your Bible.

  • Explanations - Why, What, How and What If will be answered in each Lesson. Why is it important? What does it mean, How can you apply it to your life and, What If you did? How would your life be impacted or changed?

  • The Greatest Questions to Ask - In each lesson, you will be prompted with three questions that will invite you to examine and explore different areas of your life to gain insight and direction. We recommend that you journal your answers.

  • Belief Builder - Belief builders are exercises which will enrich your experience, develop yourself-awareness and strengthen your character.


*Same great workbook, two styles available

Read each Lesson all the way through, use the notes section or journal to write down "AHA's or epiphanies" you might have. Go back to the Scripture in the Lesson and reference your Bible to gain understanding and clarity about what you are learning. Journal on the Greatest Questions and complete the Belief Builder exercises. Ask yourself, "How is this relevant to my life?" and "What is this teaching me about myself and the Word of God?"

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