The Core Four
4 Weeks
About the Course
The Core Four is a 4 week class that focuses on the first four lessons in the My Agreements with Me for Believers LifeBook.
Lesson 1 focuses on your life vision and purpose, it is a foundational lesson that will be referred back to again and again. When you complete a Life Inventory to assess the condition of your life, you can then create a LifeMap Blueprint that will enhance and/or positively change the direction and trajectory of your life.
Lesson 2 invites you to investigate your thinking. This is significant because your long-held beliefs are driving your thoughts, which ultimately dictate the experiences you have in your life. If you do not investigate your thoughts, you will stay stuck in patterns and processes that do not support a larger vision for your life.
Lesson 3 encourages you to break the chains of bondage. Freeing yourself from a painful
past and/or of shame and regret. By shifting how you think, you will begin to Break the Chains of Bondage to every negative emotion, limited belief, generational curse (lie) and create a life of restoration, healing, hope, prosperity, and fulfillment.
Lesson 4 shows you what it means to be purposely and powerfully authentic. It is where you discover yourself as the gift God truly intended you to be, and making your purpose a priority to glorify him. You will also learn how to create a S. M. A. R. T. goal map. What is a smart goal?I’m so glad you asked! When aligned with your true self and vision, SMART goals are the action steps necessary to move you in the direction of your vision.
Your Instructor
Ray Tuggle

Human Services Counselor and Certified Christian
Life Coach and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mental Emotional Release Therapy (MER), and Hypnotherapy. Ray is a proud father of three beautiful children and three grandsons who call him "Papa Tugs." He is also a retired military veteran of 26 years.