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Lesson Song & Prayer

We LOVE how music and prayer prepares the heart to receive the
Lessons we are sharing. We encourage you to listen to the song and prayer 
as you take several deep cleansing breaths before you start the lesson. 

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Lesson 1

Lesson 1 is all about your vision, we highly recommend you complete the first Lesson in its entirety without skipping ahead. This is a foundational lesson that will be referred back to throughout this book. So the first 4 lessons are foundational and we suggest you do them in order. For the additional lessons, complete them in order or fit them in as you see fit. In addition, don’t rush it, this is study is meant to complete in 1-year; however, it’s more important you take your time and allow yourself time and God to lead you day by day, week by week.


In the YouTube video for Lesson 1, we talked about a few options for filling out your future vision as well as chunking down the Life Vision List. Here are those examples if you would like to take a closer look.

Future Vision.png
BE - DO - HAVE.png


In order to help you discover God's vision for your life we suggest the following tips:

1. Create a list of 125 vision list items you’ve always wanted to BE, always wanted to DO, and always wanted to HAVE. Who do you want to BE immediately, 90 days, 1 year, 5 years from now, etc.? What do you want to DO immediately, 90 days, 1 year, 5 years from now, etc.? What do you want to HAVE immediately, 90 days, 1 year, 5 years from now, etc.? This will help you to"jump start" your imagination, dreams and aspirations.

2. If you get stuck or if it’s easier to assemble your vision list using the four quadrants do so:

  • Contribution & Spiritual

  • Health & Wellbeing

  • Career & Education

  • Love & Relationship

(See photo above)


3. Once, you’ve completed your list of 125 items organize them by BE, DO and HAVE and then by when you see yourself accomplishing them:

  • Immediately

  • within 1 year

  • within 90 days

  • within 3 years

  • within 5 years

  • within 10 years

  • within 20 years, etc.

(See photo above)


4. Next tip, is to realize your vision has a formula. In order for it to work properly, you must follow the sequence of BE, DO and HAVE. For every vision list item, ask yourself “WHY" do I want to BE this, DO this, or HAVE this. This will truly tell if it is from the heart (within) vs what someone else wants for you, or if it's you convincing yourself its a good thing. Remember when you get in to touch with your true "emotions" that come from what you believe (about you); it's then that you are fueled with your truest "internal octane" that ignites your most vulnerable and honest... thoughts, attitudes, actions and behaviors.


Our Beliefs 'values' (trigger) ----> Our Thinking 'programs and habits' which (trigger) ----> Our Attitude which (trigger) ----> Our Behaviors 'what we do' which (produces) ----> Our RESULTS!


So what we believe about ourselves really matters. Who do you want to BE in this life? It is way more impacting & fulfilling than what you'll ever DO first? Note: Harvard conducted a study that proved it wasn't their graduates skills or talent that proved successful, but rather it was their attitude that made all the difference. Trust the process.

5. Next tip, is about your vision. How will you know when you are NOT working towards your vision? It is when you aren’t accomplishing your vision list items or you've strayed away from a BE, DO and HAVE mentality. Because if you truly WANTED to BE, DO and HAVE something you’d have it. Instead, you’ve more than likely allowed yourself to 'believe' more in the obstacles and excuses than what you actually desired, or you would have it.

6. Next tip, remember these are your dreams and aspirations for your vision. Pray and Meditate on it. Get excited about it and only do it when you are able to truly tap into your imagination free from stress or external distractions. Otherwise, you are faking it to make it!!!

7. Next tip, is to ask yourself, do my BELIEFS in my dream and aspirations (vision) align with my behaviors and attitudes? If not, what needs to change? This is where your journaling will come in. Take time to reflect on the excitement you felt while making your list.

8. Last and final tip, DO NOT move on to the next lesson without completing this lesson of your 125 items. It is that valuable!!! We will be revisiting this list throughout our 52 lessons. This 1 lesson will say more about you and your life than you can imagine.

Remember, "The richest place on Earth is not Dubai or some wealthy destination, it is the "graveyard," for every book never written, every song never sung, every love never known, every promise never kept, every talent never discovered, every risk never ventured, etc., that died with each person." - anonymous

Real Talk

As a Believer it is up to you, along with God to define your vision. If not, the world will via a ‘Do, Be and Have’ mentality.

"A way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death” (Proverbs 14:12). We must examine ourselves carefully and honestly. For the degree this DO, BE and HAVE mindset has over us is demonstrated by how selfish, lost or unfulfilled we show up in the world. It shows up in how we treat ourselves and others.

Lastly, it shows up in how we keep ourselves from experiencing the true freedom for which Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1) or how we fail to live as Christ loved (John 13:34–35) or how we neglect our faith by demonstrating God's love with our words or actions (Matthew 28:19–20).

Consequently, when we come from our ‘doingness’ we live in our flesh (selfish ways), we stop truly asking or searching for our true “why.”

Ask yourself, "Why do I truly want to Become (BE) this? Or DO this? Or HAVE this? Because when we don't, we eliminate the “true essence" and "meaning" of our character or moral compass of who God made us to BE in the moment. Asking yourself self "why" evokes your emotions which is much deeper and connects the head to the heart.

Even “I AM” statements of affirmation talk to the very nature of who we want to “BE.” This is a mental practice to "train" the unconscious mind to prime a new "belief" to combat an old belief or reinforce what we currently believe about ourself. Beingness is all about ownership of who we say we are.

Therefore, the price to pay or consequence, is we fail to create and pursue God’s vision for our life. Instead, we live in our doingness, comparing ourselves to others, while feeling less confident in who we are, and why we do what we do. We begin to doubt ourselves by thinking, "Is this God's will or my selfish will for my life?"

Lastly, remember there is NO right or wrong way of creating your Vision List. God and time will work it out and begin to chisel away pruning his purpose for your life. Otherwise, DO, BE, HAVE, only ushers in more fear, doubt and negative emotions that do not come from being in true agreement with self and God. This is an expensive price to pay with the one life we’ve been given. Therefore, instead, go and live a life of BE, DO and HAVE! It all starts with a vision.

Blessings from your Authors ❤️


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