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Lesson Song & Prayer

We LOVE how music and prayer prepares the heart to receive theLessons we are sharing.
We encourage you to listen to the song and prayer as you take several deep cleansing breaths before you start the lesson. 

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Returning to your vision means you are committed to your highest vision by allowing yourself to be open to your future possibilities. You can make the impossible possible! When you are willing to see God‘s purpose for your life, there is no impossible only I’m possible. This way of thinking allows you to keep your eyes on something bigger and exciting and not focus on obstacles, or the drama of life. Another great reason why it is significant to have a vision is to be in integrity with yourself. Integrity is like listening to God’s still small voice within - the one that reminds you that you are honest, truthful, strong, powerful and worthy. When you are in integrity with yourself, you align with your purpose  or vision, and don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. You begin to unconditionally love and accept yourself by being willing to stand up for your goals, values and vision. They become your boundaries and standards for your life and you use them as your guide. You quickly learn to draw lines in the sand to those people, places situations, or things that are not in alignment with your highest vision.

As we continue to return to a vision that is pulling us to grow and become, we can reveal and heal the parts of ourselves that we hide. Embracing the shadow side of our lives, invites us to return to our vision stronger and even more empowered.

What if when you find your life in chaos and you feel a lack of drive or direction and purpose, you can pull out your vision to recalibrate and get back on course by accomplishing your goals towards your vision. What if you simply started right where you are, right now by releasing all judgments and comparisons and look yourself in the mirror and say, “thank you God for loving me and giving me life. Therefore, my life has purpose and today I recommit to my highest vision because I am worth it!”

Who will you need to become to match your vision?

Real Talk

Vision: Something seen in a dream; a thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination; manifestation to the senses of something immaterial; the act or power of imagination; mode of seeing or conceiving; unusual discernment or foresight; the act or power of seeing.

The purpose of having a vision for all areas of your life is not just about getting what you want. It’s also about living a fully engaged and exciting life! Did you know when you have no vision you have much less energy and passion for life? As human beings, we need direction to feel fulfilled, the Bible says, “Where there is no vision, people perish.”

Let’s be clear, visions are not goals. Goals are created from visions. A vision is an active and on-going dream that you are striving to achieve. For instance, I can achieve a weight goal. My vision for my health and wellness never ends. It is on-going … as long as I am alive. People don’t get what they want; they get what and who they are. That means if you want a loving relationship, you need to love. You can’t act mean-spirited and expect to realize your vision of a healthy relationship. Your vision must be congruent with your heart and your actions.
Use your faith to drive your vision, it should stir your excitement, inspiration, and action. Pay attention to your emotional responses to your vision. Statistically, those who have a vision, dreams, and goals will be far more successful than those who don’t.

Write down your vision, put it in a place where you can see it everyday, meditate on it and you will begin to see your mind shape and shift to match your vision. 


The first step to achieving your vision is to write it down.  When you write down the steps necessary to achieve your vision, you are obeying God and acting on His instructions.
Habakkuk 2:2 
And the Lord answered me and said, “Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by.”
Write down the goals that are necessary to make your vision your reality.  When you write down your goals, you then know where you are going.  God will provide the assistance you need to achieve your goals.  He will cause people, events, and material assistance to come into your life. Writing your vision inspires you to take action on the ideas God reveals to you. 
Bask in the music selection below to help you get in the state of mind to dream. 


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