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Lesson Song & Prayer

We LOVE how music and prayer prepares the heart to receive the lessons we are sharing.
We encourage you to listen to the song and prayer as you take several deep cleansing breaths before you start the lesson. 

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Lesson 6

The term "motivation" describes why a person does something. It is the driving force behind human actions. Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. 


Why is it significant to understand motivations? Motivations can be considered as the traffic lights of the heart along with intuition for decisions and behaviors. It’s important, because motivations are not always correct. They often times will signal a green light when the light is still red, causing you to make a poor decision, and yet sometimes your motivation signal is a green light, but instead you hesitate, don’t speak up don’t take action or remain in place which affects your decisions for what you really want or feel. 


Positive emotions, prompt you to be excited and confident about your decisions. They will excite the heart, repair bridges, nurture, relationships and offer love and forgiveness. However, when motivations are negative, it often hardens a persons heart, creating a protected heart, creating burned bridges, broken relationships, and deep unforgiveness . It plays out in our lives as arguments, chaos, disease, ailments, fights, depression, and addiction. It is very critical to identify your deep motivations while being wise to choose to love and forgive.


What are Motivations?


Motivations are generally the desire or willingness of someone to do some thing or behave a certain way. It is often a reaction to how I use my heart and intuition to initiate a response as well as the physical feeling in the body for that split second nudging you to act or make a conscious decision. Motivations is a gift from God and when we learn how to develop and strengthen it, we will experience strong inner growth toward or away from people, situations or future decisions. In the experience of the wise that growth proved to be correct.


What does the Bible say about motivation?


People are motivated, or moved to action, for many different things- to provide for their family, to make someone close to them or to accomplish a difficult goal. If our pursuit seems to a snowball enough, our motivation seems justified. However, at the root of what motivates us is often self-centeredness. Unlike our neighbors or our friends, who often only see our outward actions. God is the one who examines our hearts, our motivation (1 Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 16:2; Jeremiah 12:3; 17:10). The Bible tells us that are motivation should not be selfish gain or seeking approval based on our own merits; rather, and come from God, and a desire to obey and honor him.


Our first priority should be a relationship with God. Aside from Jesus, all is one of the best examples we have of someone prioritizing their relationship with God. Paul endured beatings, betrayal, shipwrecks, and prison, for the sake of the gospel. While he was imprisoned he wrote, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ, Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). He knew what was in heaven was worth so much more than what was on earth. Because his priorities were right, he was motivated to sacrifice his life, so that more could come to know the saving love of Christ. 


Here are three steps you can take on this journey.

1. Seek out the Holy Spirit’s wisdom- 2 Samuel 7:18.

2. Ask for wisdom from the Holy Spirit. James 1:5.

3. Trust, God is directing your (steps) decisions. Psalm 37:23.


Remember this-If you can dream it, you can do it. Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you react to it optimism is the faith that leads to achievement~ Charles R. Swindoll 

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If you want the good motive, choose the good motive.

The first step in having good motives is realizing we have the choice. It’s easy to think our internal thoughts and motivations have a mind of their own, but the truth is, they don’t. The truth is, you are in control, so…. take control. The Bible says to examine our heart with every intention and decision we make. (2 Corinthians 13:5) - Jesus wouldn’t have instructed us to choose good motives if it was impossible. The very fact he gave this directive, proves you have it in you to decide and trust your decision making skills when it comes to motives and intentions.

Here is a full proof way to examine your motives. When you have a choice set before you, put the good and the bad motive in your mind where you can envision both clearly, then choose the deed that will best glorify God. You will not only reap the benefits of that amazing decision, but it will also revolutionize your walk with Him.

Remember to also keep it simple. We are all created with a good/bad meter inside of us which is Holy Spirit. We also know our intention behind every decision we make- Good/bad or indifferent. Our motives are the driving factor to reaping rewards or suffering consequences.

We have every ounce of faith in you!

Going Deeper in the Word

Below are additional scriptures to give you biblical insight into this  lesson. 

1 Corinthians 15:58-“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

  • There’s no bigger motivator than God Himself. Let God be the one to inspire you to try your best.

Proverbs 3:5-6-“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.”

Psalm 27:4-“One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple.”

  • God’s love and presence in your life should be the only thing that motivates you every day.

Romans 8:28-“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

  • Those of us who are united with Christ by faith are being transformed by God. That character growth should be your motivation to keep believing in Him.

Romans 15:13-“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

  • Put your trust in God and He will repay you with hope, motivation, and inspiration.

James 1:2-4-“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

  • Every situation you go through is designed to teach you perseverance. Don’t shy away from situations that test your faith, because you’ll be stronger in the end.

John 3:16- “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

  • Follow your dreams in life and take risks because God loves you so much that He gave up His only son to save you.

1 Corinthians 6:13-“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”

  • Stand strong in your faith and be courageous knowing you are never alone.

Matthew 19:26-“Jesus looked at them carefully and said, “It’s impossible for human beings. But all things are possible for God.”

  • No matter what you’re struggling with or hoping for, all things are possible through God and faith.

Roman’s 12:11-“Don’t hesitate to be enthusiastic, be on fire in the Spirit as you serve the Lord!”

  • Don’t be afraid to be passionate about your faith; it is your relationship with God that will help you through life.

2 Timothy 1:7-“God didn’t give us a spirit that is timid but one that is powerful, loving, and self-controlled.”

  • God made us strong and powerful, not weak and timid.

Isaiah 12:2-“God is indeed my salvation; I will trust and won’t be afraid. Yah, the Lord, is my strength and my shield; he has become my salvation.”

  • When God is your salvation, he can also be your strength, and this knowledge will help you move forward with renewed energy and courage.

Whatever you may be facing in this time of your life, motivational scripture reminds us all that we are not alone. Be encouraged to know you are loved and overseen by an awesome God.

Real Talk

Today we are going to dive into a story in the Bible. I will start by saying, our motives matter to God. I believe he cares more about who we are becoming than what we are achieving. He knows our motives determine what we do, who we are, and who we will become. Since the beginning of time every person has experienced moments where their motive have been put to the test. We will start with the story of King Saul and David. 

Preface: David was the best friend of King Saul’s son Jonathan. King Saul became jealous of David, because he was used to getting all the attention. David was growing in popularity and it was too much for Saul to handle.  Saul wanted to kill David, so he offered one of his daughters hands in marriage. However, that would not come without a price. David would have to go to battle to show he was worthy of this honor. Sauls motive and hope was, when David was in battle the Philistines would kill him and once again Saul would be the most popular.

My two cents: the Bible really is like a Telenovela! 

Real talk - Motives give meaning to our behaviors. God knew the true motive of Saul’s heart was to harm David. Just as God knew the motive of David’s heart was to be humble and honorable. Remember, David was described in the Bible as the man after God’s own heart. If you decide to read the whole book of 1st Samuel you will see how all of this faired well for David and well, you will have to find out for yourself what happens to good old King Saul!

1 Samuel 18:17-30

17 Saul said to David, “Here is my older daughter Merab. I will give her to you in marriage; only serve me bravely and fight the battles of the Lord.” For Saul said to himself, “I will not raise a hand against him. Let the Philistines do that!”

18 But David said to Saul, “Who am I, and what is my family or my clan in Israel, that I should become the king’s son-in-law?” 19 So[a] when the time came for Merab, Saul’s daughter, to be given to David, she was given in marriage to Adriel of Meholah.

20 Now Saul’s daughter Michal was in love with David, and when they told Saul about it, he was pleased. 21

“I will give her to him,” he thought, “so that she may be a snare to him and so that the hand of the Philistines may be against him.” So Saul said to David, “Now you have a second opportunity to become my son-in-law.”

22 Then Saul ordered his attendants: “Speak to David privately and say, ‘Look, the king likes you, and his attendants all love you; now become his son-in-law.’”

23 They repeated these words to David. But David said, “Do you think it is a small matter to become the king’s son-in-law? I’m only a poor man and little known.”

24 When Saul’s servants told him what David had said, 25 Saul replied, “Say to David, ‘The king wants no other price for the bride than a hundred Philistine foreskins, to take revenge on his enemies.’” Saul’s plan was to have David fall by the hands of the Philistines.

26 When the attendants told David these things, he was pleased to become the king’s son-in-law. So before the allotted time elapsed, 27 David took his men with him and went out and killed two hundred Philistines and brought back their foreskins. They counted out the full number to the king so that David might become the king’s son-in-law. Then Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.

28 When Saul realized that the Lord was with David and that his daughter Michal loved David, 29 Saul became still more afraid of him, and he remained his enemy the rest of his days.

30 The Philistine commanders continued to go out to battle, and as often as they did, David met with more success than the rest of Saul’s officers, and his name became well known.

Today may you be blessed with true and honorable motives. 


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