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The Ninja Prayer
Real Estate Executive Larry Kendall of The Group Real Estate Authors The Principles of Ninja Selling Book
Comprehensive Book Includes The Ninja Prayer Written by Sylvia Castillo
“When I first heard Sylvia Castillo speak, her words touched my heart, she has an amazing gift of using language to express feelings of inspiration. Sylvia wrote the Ninja Prayer as a gift to the Ninja Nation. As our commencement speaker, she often delivers it on the last day our classes. As you commence your life on the Ninja Path, it’s only appropriate that we close this book and send you off with the Ninja Prayer.”
FORT COLLINS, Colo. – October 2, 2014 – Larry Kendall, Broker Associate and co-owner of The Group Inc. Real Estate in Fort Collins, has completed a new book titled The Principles of Ninja Selling, a comprehensive and revolutionary new method of selling real estate that is scheduled for release in January 2015. The book closes with The Ninja Prayer written by Sylvia Castillo, Office Manager for Innovative Real Estate Group in Denver. Kendall is also the creative mind behind the Ninja Installation classes, a four-day course that helps improve a broker’s business through systems and processes based on focus, skills, action, and results.
“Larry has revolutionized the real estate industry by creating a style of selling that is based on relationships and providing unparalleled value,” said Castillo. “Real estate professionals can benefit tremendously from reading his book and by attending his Ninja Installation classes. I’m also extremely pleased to have The Ninja Prayer included in The Principles of Ninja Selling, which I read to graduates at the conclusion of a recent Ninja Installation class.”
“Sylvia’s prayer is a great way to finish my new book on Ninja Selling, and I encourage readers to start down the Ninja path by reading this prayer every day,” said Kendall. “The Principles of Ninja Selling is written primarily for real estate agents, but there is value for professionals in all disciplines. My last Ninja Installation class, for example, included an engineer and a surgeon who wanted to enhance their communication skills.
“The book focuses on four basic principles,” Kendall continued. Commitment to Personal Mastery helps people grow their business while enhancing their personal life. The Stop Selling portion helps agents ask their clients the right questions. Customers like to buy but they don’t necessarily like to be sold. We also help readers generate a continuous flow of customers through a business strategy that helps build relationships. Lastly, the book teaches agents how to communicate with people that will help create customers for life. My intention is to teach life skills with the goal of increasing an agent’s hourly income so they can also have a fulfilling life.”
The Group Inc. Real Estate was founded in 1976 under the concept of experimenting with group dynamics, teams, self-directed work groups, employee empowerment, and leadership. The Ninja Installation is a very intense four-day immersion workshop designed to dramatically increase a broker’s real estate production. For more information, please visit and
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