It it empowering to see on paper how sin and bondage damages your family. In Lesson 3 of the My Agreements with Me for Believers workbook, there is an exercise to investigate a story or event from the past that holds you back, this lesson is powerful however there is another exercise that is not in the workbook that I would like to share. It addresses generational bondage which is not often discussed.
It will take personal power, strength, love and self discipline to work through this exercise, but I promise that once you use your own family and your own life to investigate, you will see and/or learn things that you never knew.
HEALING IS TRUTH REVEALED and we're about to uncover and expose the darkness so that finally our children will be free from the burden of the shame, guilt and chains of bondage.

This exercise will reveal how long your families lineage has been suffering, and the older you are the more history you will be able to shed light on. I recommend that you reach out to family members who are willing to have open, honest and vulnerable conversations. Please remember that to heal means the truth must be revealed. Bondage thrives in darkness, so be willing to be uncomfortable when it comes to sharing.
I recently learned things about my grandparents, my father, and uncle that I would have never known unless I reached out to a cousin who is 10 years older than me. That conversation important and relevant to understand some of our families toxic traits.
We're going to begin by creating a list of toxic traits/experiences. If there is something else that needs to be on your list, add it. This list is specific to your experience.
1 Adultery
2 Alcohol Abuse/Addiction
3 Assault/Battery
4 Drug Abuse/Addiction
5 Domestic Violence
6 Emotional Abuse
7 Gambling Addiction
8 Sexual Abuse/Assault
9 Sexual Perversion/Pornography
10 Lying/Stealing
*Was sexually abused as a child
Either on paper or a spreadsheet, create a column for grandparents, parents, you/siblings,
husbands/partners/exs, children, and grandchildren and any notes you may wan't to take.
Then add the names of the people in your family that belong in each space.

Assign the number next to the name for every trait/experience they've had. Once you begin the process you can clearly see how each toxic trait/experience works its way through the many generations.
GRANDPARENTS: These people may already be deceased, it is recommended that you ask the older family members about their lives.
PARENTS: The parents in this example had many ex's. Those people also have an imprint on the lives of you and your siblings.
YOU & SIBLINGS: Oftentimes you share bonds of shame and secrecy. As you begin to uncover and expose these areas, you begin to heal.

Husbands/Wives/Ex's: In any marriage/partnership- you will experience their families traits as well as your own. You are essentially working out their family history of trauma as well as your own.
Your Children: The children/step-children ultimately pay the price for areas of our lives that we do not consciously heal. That is why this work is so important.
Their Children: The grandchildren may still be very young in your lineage and have not yet begun to experience the behaviors or traits that will be detrimental to their lives.
Awareness and willingness to grow begins the process of healing.
Leave a legacy, not a tragedy.
For more info, visit, get the workbook and do the work...